Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week of November 25th

This week, the group had two meetings, the first on 11/27 and the second on 11/30. All members were present for both meetings. Both meetings lasted for about 5 hours each.

During the first meeting, we completed a sketch of our fan for the SolidWorks portion of the project. The completed part (back orientation view) is shown below:

Next, we began to work on a code for the Arduino portion of our project, which is shown below:

Following these two portions of the project, we continued to work on fine tuning the apparatus to meet the requirements of our initial sketch from last post. Here is a visual update of the actual "Awesome Bubble Contraption."

For the second meeting, we continued to work on the apparatus. We went to RadioShack to buy a battery holder, which would provide more output voltage to meet our necessary specifications. We also continued to work on our code and build the apparatus. Below is a video on how our apparatus works:

Our next meeting will take place some time next week. Stay tuned for our next blog post!

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