Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week of November 25th

This week, the group had two meetings, the first on 11/27 and the second on 11/30. All members were present for both meetings. Both meetings lasted for about 5 hours each.

During the first meeting, we completed a sketch of our fan for the SolidWorks portion of the project. The completed part (back orientation view) is shown below:

Next, we began to work on a code for the Arduino portion of our project, which is shown below:

Following these two portions of the project, we continued to work on fine tuning the apparatus to meet the requirements of our initial sketch from last post. Here is a visual update of the actual "Awesome Bubble Contraption."

For the second meeting, we continued to work on the apparatus. We went to RadioShack to buy a battery holder, which would provide more output voltage to meet our necessary specifications. We also continued to work on our code and build the apparatus. Below is a video on how our apparatus works:

Our next meeting will take place some time next week. Stay tuned for our next blog post!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Tentative Sketches of our Apparatus

Today's meeting lasted for about 3 hours. All members were present. Today, we went to Target to buy most of our listed materials on our previous blog post and started planning on how to construct our apparatus.

Below are photos of our preemptive sketch and apparatus.

Our next meeting will be on 11/27 around 5 PM. This meeting will focus on building our bubble machine, drawing a SolidWorks sketch, and work on an Arduino code that will supplement our project. Please check back then for more details.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Weeks 2 and 3


Every group member was present for this meeting. Our group continued to discuss possible ideas that we would be doing for this project. Four ideas that we came up with were a bubble machine, a Rubik's cube solver, a game, and a remote controlled car going down a racetrack. After further discussion, we have decided that we will be doing a bubble machine. Initial sketches and required materials will be posted in next week's post (see below)


All group members met today during our lab period. Over the course of this week, we will be gathering our materials and making SolidWorks parts and possible Arduino codes/sketches that will supplement our project.

The (tentative) materials list is as follows:

1) Fan (can be made from SolidWorks)
2) Bubble solution
3) Arduino board
3) SolidWorks parts
4) Container to hold the bubble solution
5) Servo/DC motors
6) Supports
7) Button
8) Sensor

We will hold two more meeting this week on Friday and Saturday. Further details will be provided in our next blog post.

Edit: Tomorrow (11/22), we will be going shopping for some supplies listed above and then start planning on building our apparatus.

Friday, November 8, 2013

22.201 Team LOH Project

Post #1

Following the scheduled lab session, our group decided to meet today (11/8/13) at 2 PM. All members were present. We created our blog and discussed possible project ideas during this meeting. The initial ideas that we came up with were a Rubik's cube solver, a remote controlled car, or an Arduino operated game.

Our goal for our next meeting is to decide among our thought out ideas, which one to actually proceed with for the remainder of the project period. Our next meeting will take place during next week's lab period for about 2 hours.